Intimacy and Sexuality
Do you find yourself in a committed relationship in which conflict or avoidance of conflict, a lack of sexual fulfillment, or difficult emotions like sadness, anxiety, or anger have taken over, leaving you wondering how you got here and what to do?
“The next message you need is always right where you are.”
-Ram Dass
No doubt there were reasons you committed to this relationship. In the beginning it seemed possible to live happily ever after, because in the beginning you were happy.
But emotional Intimacy (defined as the capacity to live in close proximity to another while remaining true to yourself and allowing the other to do the same) requires a level of understanding and maturity that can only develop in the context of a relationship.
Sound impossible? An experienced and skillful couples therapist can act as a consultant as you go through the process.
Your relationship is challenging both of you to grow as individuals so you can meet your own and each other’s needs. This growth can take time, effort, and courage. In couples therapy you can learn to listen to and understand your partner, while at the same time remaining true to yourself; to calm yourself and think clearly, even when you’re feeling hurt, anxious, or angry; and to disengage from manipulative behaviors, both your partner’s and your own.
Couples therapy can help you find the courage to make difficult decisions, to step outside your emotional and sexual comfort zones, and to more fully enjoy your own and your partner’s company.
You have the potential to be happier than you are, happier even than you’re ever been!